LogoPrague Pruhonice


The address:
Faculty of Science of the Charles University
Albertov 6, Prague 2
GPS: 50.0688894N, 14.4244911E

Map of the locations



How to get there:

Tram stop Albertov, lines 7, 14, 18, 24 (please take the proper direction!). The nearest metro stations are Karlovo náměstí (yellow line B) or I.P. Pavlova (red line C).
Conference room is on the first floor „Velká geologická posluchárna“


Venue Hall


Welcome reception

Wednesday May 20 18:00-22:00 Hrs

Botanical garden of the Charles University, greenhouses or refugium
Na Slupi 16, Prague 2

GardenGarden 2


How to get there: Tram stop Botanicka zahrada, lines 14 ,18 and 24 (please take the proper direction!). The nearest metro stations are Karlovo náměstí (yellow line B) or I.P. Pavlova (red line C).

Conference dinner

On Thursday May 21 (19:00 - 22:30 Hrs)
Restaurant at the Strahov monastery 
“Velká klášterní restaurace”
Strahovské nádvoří 302, Prague 1

How to get there.




Meet the keynotes

to be decided