LogoPrague Pruhonice

Pre-conference timeline

21st March 2020 deadline for abstract submission
21st March 2020 deadline for early-bird registration
15th April 2020 notification of abstract acceptance decision
21st April 2020 deadline for registration (later registration may be possible in exceptional cases by direct request to popbio2020@ibot.cas.cz)


Final programme in PDF (after 1st May 2020).

20th May (Wednesday)
Late morning & afternoon: Pre-conference excursion to Želivka Serpentines National Nature Monument.
Evening: Welcome reception at the Botanical garden of the Charles University.
Evening: Optional Life projects meeting, 18:30 during welcome reception at the Botanical garden of the Charles University.

21st May (Thursday)
Morning & afternoon: Talks and posters at Faculty of Science of the Charles University - Velká geologická lecture room.
Evening: Conference dinner at the Strahov monastery.

22nd May (Friday)
Morning & afternoon: Talks and posters.
Evening: Meet the keynotes at XXX (to be decided).

23rd May (Saturday)
Morning: Talks and posters.
Afternoon: Half-day excursion to the Bohemian Karst (13:00-18:00).

24th May (Sunday)
Morning & early afternoon: Excursion to Volcanic territory of České Středohoří/Böhmisches Mittelgebirge (Oblík Hill). Return to Prague at 16:00.

Full day: Extended excursion including the Oblik hill (above) and the Polomené hory sandstone region with cliffs and deep gorges. Return to Prague at 20:00.