Wednesday excursion (20.5.2020): Želivka Serpentines National Nature Monument
Departure: 11:00 Albertov 6, Prague 2 (in front of the conference venue), Arrival 17:30 Benátská (Welcome party).Included in the conference fee. Lunch will be provided.
We will see the serpentine vegetation of the area and learn about the recent restoration of the area and of the populations of Czech endemic species Minuartia smejkalii (Minuartia verna complex) within a currently running LIFE project. We will also visit a visitor center of the area with ex-situ population of M. smejkalii. We will also visit the dam of local water reservoir, which is not accessible to the public. As we need permission for entering the area, it is necessary to register for this excursion in advance.
Saturday (23. 5. 2020) afternoon excursion: Bohemian Karst (Český Kras)
(49.9691719N, 14.1338964E - Saint Jan)
Departure 13:00 Albertov 6, Prague 2 (in front of the conference venue), Arrival 18:00 Albertov.
Included in the conference fee.
Lunch will be provided (sandwich, drink, fruit, biscuit).
Bohemian Karst (Český Kras) is an area 20 km SW of Prague. It is composed of old paleozoic calcareous rocks cut by Berounka river and other streams into valleys. Vegetation composition reflects a combination of variable environment characteristics: position along slopes, aspect, soil depth and human effects (limestone quarry, pasture, coppicing). We will see calcareous beech forests, slope forests, white oak woods, xerophile steppe grasslands and rock steppes during our 4 km long trip starting at the plateau and finishing in a valley near the old baroque church with a spring. We will also visit a beautiful view of the limestone cliffs.
Sunday (24. 5. 2020) excursions:
Departure 8:00 Albertov 6, Prague 2 (in front of the conference venue).
Extra fee of 35 EUR (1) or 45 EUR (2).
Lunch will be provided (sandwich, drink, fruit, biscuit)
1. Volcanic territory of České Středohoří/Böhmishes Mittelgebirge (the Oblík Hill) with species-rich xerophilic grasslands (morning and early afternoon excursion, arrival to Prague by 16:00).
2. Extension of the excursion (1) with an additional stop at the Polomené hory sandstone area (late afternoon excursion; arrival to Prague by 20:00).